Cars have become embedded in most people’s daily routines in Fresno and throughout the country. Unfortunately, reliance on personal vehicles for transportation puts millions of cars on the road in California daily, dramatically increasing the risks of a dangerous accident.
Being in a car accident can be confusing and frightening. Depending on the magnitude of the collision, it can cause severe injuries and even death.
If you or a loved one are in a car accident, you do not need to face this difficult time in pain and alone. You can work with an established Fresno car accident lawyer to recover the costs of treating your injuries and other losses.
At Singh Ahluwalia Attorneys at Law, our Fresno car accident lawyers have years of combined experience helping those hurt seek compensation for their medical bills and other damages. We will provide you with a free, confidential, and no-obligation case review to discuss your strategies available for seeking compensation.
When you are ready for someone to listen, we are here. Call (559) 878-4958 or contact us online to schedule your appointment today.
How Fresno Car Accident Attorneys Can Help
Hiring a Fresno car accident lawyer who understands car accident cases is critical when seeking to secure the maximum compensation possible. At Singh Ahluwalia Attorneys at Law, we use our knowledge and experience to assist clients with obtaining all the compensation they need to restore them financially after their accident.
Your Fresno car accident lawyer will provide the following services:
- Provide legal representation and resources like crash scene investigators
- Provide legal guidance and strategy throughout the claim
- Calculate the medical costs of treating injuries related to the accident
- Calculate all necessary future medical costs and treatments
- Calculate loss of wages caused by time taken off work because of pain or medical needs
- Document your pain and suffering, including both physical and emotional suffering
- Seek punitive damages for cases that go to trial in instances where there is extreme negligence and reckless behavior
- Provide compassionate care and counsel to reduce the burden placed upon you during your claim
Common Causes of Car Accidents Our Fresno Injury Lawyers See
Fresno car accident lawyers are familiar with common forms of negligence that all too often lead to unfortunate crashes. Although car accidents can seemingly appear out of nowhere, they are usually caused by the careless actions of a negligent party.
The most common types of negligence that lead to car accidents include:
- Unsafe speed, especially when there are dangerous weather conditions. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports speeding was a factor in 29 percent of traffic fatalities in 2022. It’s helpful to know that if weather conditions like rain or strong winds are present, slowing down below the speed limit is a good idea.
- Driver distractions include daydreaming and “zoning out.”
- Driving on the wrong side of the road, often seen in cases of driving under the influence. Always plan a safe way to get home when going out and having a good time.
- Improper turns, like making a U-turn where it’s indicated not to do so. Turning or pulling out into traffic without thoroughly looking both ways can also lead to collisions.
- Violation of the right-of-way rules, like failing to yield before turning.
- Violation of stop signals and signs, such as yield signs and no-turn arrows. Running red lights or stop signs is also a significant cause of accidents.
- Cell phone distraction or use of other devices while operating the vehicle.
Distracted Drivers Are Causing a Rise in Car Accidents
Today, drivers are easily distracted by cellphones, passengers, eating and/or drinking, and daydreaming during long commutes. Statistics show that, in 2019, 3,142 road accident deaths (8.70%) in California were related to distracted drivers.
Distracted driving incidents are growing, increasing the risks of injury or death for everyone on the road. A distraction can be anything, too, not just a device.
It is defined as anything that causes a shift in a driver’s focus, from talking on a cell phone or texting to zoning out mentally when driving on a long commute. Distracted drivers inevitably end up ignoring their surroundings, even if they did not mean to, putting others at risk of an accident because of their negligence.
One of the biggest distractions is using a phone or technology, which is why it is illegal in the state of California to use your cell phone while driving. The state has introduced measures to help enforce its hands-free cellphone law.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Use of any handheld device while driving is strictly prohibited.
- Hands-free devices are permitted only for drivers over the age of 18. Be sure to set them up before you start driving.
- Remember that any kind of distraction can increase your risk of having an accident by three times, so always stay focused on your driving. If you’ve been driving for a long period of time and feel your attention waning, it may be a good idea to stop somewhere safe and take a break.
Awareness campaigns are being promoted by grant programs, for example, but cell phone use while driving remains a major cause for concern and a common source of dangerous and deadly collisions in Fresno.
What to Do After a Car Accident
There are a number of steps one should always take in the wake of an accident, regardless of the circumstances.
Always Call the Police
In the event of an accident, it is important to call 911 so that the police can assess the accident and complete a police report documenting all the primary factors involved, including the possible causes of the accident.
One should call the police no matter how minor a car accident may seem, as it is required to report most accidents under California law. Parties of the accident must also take care to exchange insurance and contact information and document the accident with pictures, but police evidence and the police report will be considered some of the essential pieces of a typical car accident claim.
Documentation and records are especially important when litigating cases that started as simple claims but have escalated into significantly larger legal disputes.
Although waiting for the police to arrive may elongate the time at the scene, it will be the best move you can make in the long run. When the authorities arrive at the scene of an accident, they will perform the following duties:
- The police will investigate the entire scene, including damages to personal property, bodily injuries, debris from the accident, etc. Additionally, an officer will estimate the extent of injuries involved and the range of possible damages inflicted on vehicles and other personal property. Remember that this is just an estimate, and many people find their injuries and property damage are more severe later on.
- Talking to the drivers, passengers, and other witnesses is another task the responding officer takes on. They will try to get statements from everyone at the scene, although sometimes witnesses may not wait around for various reasons.
- The police will search for any evidence available at the scene to help determine what caused the collision. They often look at debris and tire marks, which can impart clues about a vehicle’s speed and direction as well as the driver’s actions. For example, short tire marks indicate a driver tried to stop but didn’t have time—this is common when a driver is distracted or following too closely. A lack of tire marks may also suggest the driver was too distracted to notice the impending collision or that they were impaired or drowsy.
- The police will create official documents for both drivers stating the facts of the case. Usually, the document given to you at the scene will provide a case number but is not the final police report—that will usually become available within a week of the collision (occasionally longer). However, the case number is instrumental in obtaining your police report when it’s completed, so be sure to hang onto this paperwork.
- In some cases, the police may cite one or more parties if they find evidence of moving violations or criminal activity—speeding, ignoring stop signs or traffic signals, distracted driving, etc. When the police determine a driver is intoxicated beyond the legal limit, they will typically make an arrest.
California is an at-fault state, meaning injury victims must be prepared to prove fault and file a liability claim against any negligent driver(s) if they wish to be compensated for their damages. Because of this system, it is important to call the police as soon as possible, in addition to documenting the incident yourself and exchanging insurance information with the other driver(s) involved.
Police reports play a large part in helping to determine who is at fault in an accident. So even if the opposite party wishes to handle the case without police involvement, always call the police.
What if the Police Don’t Respond?
Sometimes, other urgent situations demand the attention of authorities. If your accident doesn’t seem severe, the police may decline to come to the scene.
Fortunately, most law enforcement agencies allow citizens to file their own accident reports. If the 911 dispatcher says the police cannot respond, ask for instructions on how to file your report and follow them.
This will show your efforts to report the collision and document what happened.
Gather Information From the Other Party
There are many moving parts during an accident, and it can be confusing to know what information should be gathered from the other motorist. If you find yourself in an accident, make sure to gather the following information that pertains to the other party:
- Driver’s date of birth
- Driver’s license number and state
- Driver’s name and address
- Vehicle license plate number and state
- Driver’s insurance company name
- Insurance policy number and expiration date
- Policyholder’s name and address
- Vehicle owner’s name and address
- Injuries or property damage
This information is needed to file a liability claim from the at-fault party’s insurer.
Today, many people use their phone cameras to take pictures of insurance cards, etc. This is a good idea, but be sure you have all the information you need.
Don’t assume that because your insurance card lists your name, address, VIN, and more, the other driver’s insurance card has the same information. Insurance cards are not all alike, and some have only the policy number.
Taking a picture of the other driver’s license is also helpful to ensure you know who was driving the car.
Finally, use your phone to capture pictures of all the damage to both vehicles. Start with the obvious areas of damage—scratches, dents, broken lights, etc. Then, get pictures of the vehicle from all angles—if your phone has a panoramic or 360-degree mode, it will make things easier.
Even areas of the vehicle that appear normal to you might have sustained less obvious damage.
When you’ve thoroughly photographed both vehicles, take pictures of the surrounding area, including the road. Pay special attention to any tire marks and debris in or near the road, which can be crucial pieces of evidence in a car accident claim.
Always Seek Medical Attention
Injuries in a car accident can happen, no matter how minimal the collision is. In 2019, California Highway Patrol reported that there were over 269,000 injuries in car accidents, with 3,737 people killed.
Although minor accidents usually don’t cause fatalities, they can still cause serious injury. Minor accidents are usually caused by drivers who back up without looking, negligent driving in dangerous weather conditions, distracted driving, and rear-end collisions in slow-moving traffic—especially in the presence of distractions, like looking at a cell phone.
“Fender benders” might seem innocuous, but they can still cause a wide variety of physical and mental injuries to either party. Some common results of minor accidents include internal bleeding, soft tissue injuries like whiplash or back strain, head injuries (including traumatic brain injury or TBI), cuts and lacerations, broken bones, and more.
Sometimes, these injuries don’t make themselves known right away and the injured party believes they are uninjured. After being involved in a harrowing experience like even a mild car accident, a person is usually under stress and often frightened, causing the body to release adrenaline. This natural reaction triggers “flight or fight” responses and can suppress symptoms like pain temporarily.
At the same time, some injuries don’t hurt until the body begins trying to heal the damage, leading to swelling and inflammation. Other injuries—such as concussions—may present with different symptoms besides pain, like dizziness or mental confusion. The injured person may not immediately connect these symptoms to their accident, and diagnosis may take longer.
For these reasons, many serious injuries may not be known to the injured party for weeks or even months after the collision. Our Fresno car accident attorneys recommend that you do not refuse the medical care service if offered at the scene of the accident.
Let the paramedics check you out, and if they recommend going to the hospital or seeing a healthcare professional, follow their advice. It is difficult to feel injuries on adrenaline, but a medical professional can identify any harm you have suffered, including hard-to-detect injuries to soft tissues and internal organs.
What if you didn’t seek care immediately after the accident but are now experiencing pain or other symptoms? If this occurs in the days following your collision, please see a healthcare provider right away.
If you don’t believe your condition is an emergency, you can see your regular doctor and explain that you were recently in an accident. Ask if your symptoms might be connected so they can perform the proper tests to diagnose you.
Once you’ve seen a medical professional, be sure to follow their recommendations. If you skip follow-up appointments, physical therapy, or other recommended interventions, this can cause several issues.
First, it may slow your recovery and cause you to be in pain longer. Additionally, if you aren’t compliant with your treatment plan, the insurance company may decide that your injuries were fake or at least not severe enough for you to take seriously.
Either way, they could use your lack of follow-through to reject your claim.
If you are having trouble completing the recommendations because of pain, medication side effects, or other difficulties, talk to your healthcare provider. They may be able to prescribe a different medication or modify physical therapy exercises so they are less painful when you first begin.
Some people fail to follow doctor’s recommendations for another reason—the cost of healthcare. If you can’t afford your treatment or your health insurance doesn’t cover all of it, please talk to a car accident lawyer right away.
We may be able to make a claim on the at-fault driver’s liability insurance. Likewise, if you are struggling with existing bills or being threatened with being put into “collections,” your Fresno car accident lawyer may be able to help you find a solution.
Common Fresno Car Wreck Injuries
The following injuries commonly result from collisions in Fresno:
Head Injuries
Most people assume that head injuries are caused by hitting your head, which is a possibility. However, you can also receive a head injury in a car accident from broken glass, loose objects striking the head, and even the force of your head snapping forward and back violently. For this reason, you could still have a head injury even if you don’t recall hitting your head. While many of these injuries are minor, some can be quite serious, such as Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), which include concussions.
Worst of all, the symptoms are not always visible at the scene. TBIs occur when you receive a jolt or are forced quickly in one direction, where your brain bounces inside your skull.
This injury can lead to chemical changes in the brain and brain cell damage. Although some people recover fully from TBIs, others develop permanent difficulties like epilepsy, vision or hearing changes, issues with balance or motor control, and many others.
Eye and Facial Injuries
In many cases, these co-occur with a head injury. Eye injuries are usually caused by broken glass or other debris impacting the eye.
Facial injuries may include broken bones and can be caused by the force of an airbag deploying. While airbags do reduce the risk of many injuries, they can be harmful if you are too close to the steering wheel.
Always wear a seatbelt and sit as far back from the steering wheel as you can manage—ideally, you want at least ten inches between the center of the steering wheel and your body. If you’re in the front passenger seat, try to sit ten inches back from the center of the dashboard.
Neck Injuries
Whiplash or neck strain is a common car accident injury, typically causing pain and limited mobility in the neck. However, these symptoms may not appear until days or weeks later. Most patients will recover after a few weeks of rest, but this condition can cause chronic neck pain in some people.
Back Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are the most severe injuries in car accidents. This kind of injury can lead to fractures, paralysis, and a load of other sorts of medical complications.
For this reason, spinal cord injuries are among the most dangerous of all potential injuries you can face during a car accident. Victims can find themselves battling chronic pain, hernias, nerve damage, and other injuries.
The pain can present itself up to months after the accident occurs. Soft tissue injuries in the back are less serious but can also cause pain and limited mobility.
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal injuries can be caused by a side-impact crash (like being T-boned at an intersection) or a front-impact collision. In fact, some of these injuries are related to an airbag deployment or contact with the steering wheel. Some abdominal injuries cause painful bruises but are not serious; others can lead to internal bleeding, tears in the soft tissue, and more serious conditions. Always see a healthcare provider right away if you have any abdominal pain following a car accident.
Broken Bones
Arms and legs often suffer fractures, especially in T-bone crashes, when one vehicle impacts the side of another. One or more broken ribs are also common, sometimes caused by an airbag or a side-impact crash.
Fractures vary in terms of severity, but even mild cases take a minimum of six weeks to recover. More serious fractures could leave you unable to work or enjoy recreational activities for six months or longer.
In some cases, people experience chronic pain or disability as the result of a broken bone.
Emotional or Mental Health Effects
It’s easy to think of only the physical injuries suffered in a car accident, but a collision can also negatively impact your mental health. Accidents are frequently traumatic, and some people develop PTSD, anxiety, or depression afterward.
If you experience changes in mood, difficulty sleeping, irritability, or other difficulties, don’t hesitate to speak with a mental health professional.
Dealing with pain can prevent you from enjoying doing the things you love and even spending time with your family. At the same time, it can interfere with your ability to work and earn a living.
If chronic pain, stiffness, restricted mobility, or any other medical problems caused by a car accident have impacted your life, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Once you’ve received care, we recommend you also call a reputable Fresno car accident attorney. Your medical expenses and lost income should not come out of your pocket due to someone else’s negligence.
Who Is at Fault in My Fresno Car Crash?
Ascertaining fault in a car accident is not as simple as it might seem. Frequently, both drivers have different ideas of what happened.
Surprisingly, some drivers erroneously believe they caused the accident when they didn’t—which is why we caution you not to admit fault at the accident scene.
Fault is also not necessarily one driver’s responsibility. In some accidents, both motorists contributed to the collision through driver errors.
If you have concerns about fault, the best solution is to review the police report with an experienced car accident lawyer. We’ll study the details, ask you questions for clarification, and, if necessary, investigate the accident further to help you understand who is at fault.
If the other driver is responsible, we can assist you in filing a claim on their liability insurance. California requires a minimum of $15,000 in bodily injury liability per person ($30,000 per accident) and $5,000 for property damage.
However, individual drivers may have more coverage available.
If you are hit by an uninsured driver or their insurance coverage is insufficient, you may be able to make a claim on your own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UI). The insurance company must offer these UM/UI policies, but you can sign a waiver and refuse them.
We strongly suggest you do not do this as it could leave you in a difficult situation if an uninsured driver causes an accident.
What if you are partially responsible for the collision? In California, personal injury cases decided in the court system use a legal concept called pure comparative negligence, where each party is responsible for their own share of the damages but can collect the remaining amount from the other party’s insurance.
So, if you are 25 percent at fault, you could, in theory, still recover the remaining 75 percent from the other driver’s insurance.
However, deciding an exact percentage of fault for each party is somewhat subjective, and it’s typically an insurance adjuster who decides on the attribution of fault. Alternatively, adjusters for each party negotiate with each other until they agree on a breakdown of fault.
Only in rare situations are car accident cases decided in court.
This can result in a few potential challenges for an injured person:
- The adjuster may attribute some fault to you even though you did not contribute to the accident.
- You may have contributed to the collision, but the adjuster or adjusters might conclude you had a higher amount of fault than you did.
- If you don’t have an attorney, the insurance adjuster could bring up the percentage of fault they believe you have to justify an offer for less than your claim is really worth. This is effective in a surprising number of cases because the average layperson doesn’t have the skills to accurately calculate their own share of fault (let alone the total value of their claim). As a result, many injured people accept an offer for less than they deserve.
The good news is that a seasoned Fresno car accident lawyer can help you avoid these pitfalls. We’ll work to uncover every bit of evidence in your case, from witness statements to electronic data to videos from nearby cameras.
Then, we’ll build a solid case and fight for a fair estimation of your contributions (if any).
Additionally, we’ll discuss your injuries, expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages to determine the full value of your claim. Another tactic the insurance companies use to save money is to overlook or undervalue some of the injured party’s damages.
You should always review any offer from an insurance company with a personal injury attorney in Fresno to be certain it’s sufficient to cover your losses.
How Long Do You Have to File a Car Accident Claim in California?
The statute of limitations for a personal injury lawsuit is two years, with limited exceptions. However, you should remember that your Fresno car accident lawyer will need time to gather evidence and develop a strategy.
Additionally, some pieces of evidence may be lost over time as witnesses leave town, memories fade, and videos or photos may be deleted to free up storage space. For these reasons, we recommend contacting a car accident attorney as soon as possible.
Singh Ahluwalia: Your Fresno Car Accident Law Firm
Singh Ahluwalia Attorneys at Law knows that you need someone who will fight for your legal rights and provide you with the attention and compassion you deserve. We feel for every injured client and do everything we can to make your experience as positive as possible from start to finish.
When you feel no one is there to help, don’t give up — lawyer up! Reach out to our experienced attorneys, and know that someone is there to care about what happens to you.
Deepak Ahluwalia, founder and managing partner, has been representing injured individuals and their families since establishing his law firm in 2016. His accomplishments have earned him recognition in the American Bar Association’s Top 40 Under 40.
Additionally, he has been featured in interviews by major media outlets such as The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Vice News, BBC, and CNN.
When you work with the attorneys at Singh Ahluwalia Attorneys at Law, our experienced Fresno car accident lawyers are highly familiar with the process of handling complex car accident claims. We know how to investigate accidents, review evidence, and build strong legal cases to defend our clients, and as a result, we have helped many car accident victims get financial compensation for their losses.
We work to handle car accident cases daily and have proven results. Our Fresno car accident lawyers have years of combined experience fighting and finding compensation our clients desperately need.
Call us at (559) 878-4958 or contact us online today for a free, no-obligation consultation over the phone or in person at our local office. We are here to help.
Fresno Car Accident FAQ
What Happens if I Was Not Wearing a Seat Belt?
If you were not wearing a seat belt during your accident, it could impact your claim, but it does not bar you from seeking compensation in California. California follows a “comparative negligence” rule, which means that even if you share some fault for the injuries, you may still recover damages. However, not wearing a seat belt may reduce your compensation if it’s proven that your injuries were worse due to your failure to buckle up.
A Fresno car accident lawyer can help you address this issue by building a strong case to demonstrate that the other party’s negligence was the primary cause of the accident and your injuries. We’ll work with experts if needed to show the extent of harm caused by the accident itself, maximizing the compensation you deserve.
What if My Accident Occurred in a Construction Zone?
Car accidents in construction zones often involve additional complexities. Construction zones usually have lowered speed limits and traffic controls, and both drivers and construction companies are required to exercise heightened caution. If your accident happened in a construction zone, factors like poor signage, unclear traffic redirection, or the negligence of a construction crew may have contributed to the incident. If you were injured as a worker on a construction site, you may be eligible for a construction accident claim.
A Fresno car accident lawyer will investigate every detail of the accident to determine who was at fault. We’ll analyze any potential liability on the part of construction crews, government entities, or other drivers involved. By identifying the responsible parties, we can pursue fair compensation for any injuries and losses you sustained due to the accident.
How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?
In California, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit is typically two years from the date of the accident. This means that if you were injured in a car accident in Fresno, you have two years to take legal action to seek compensation for your injuries. However, if your accident involved a government vehicle or public entity, you may have a much shorter timeframe, sometimes as brief as six months.
To protect your rights and ensure timely filing, consult with a Fresno car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. Taking action quickly allows us to gather crucial evidence, interview witnesses, and prepare a robust case.
How Do I Pay for a Fresno Car Accident Attorney?
Many car accident attorneys, including Singh Ahluwalia Attorneys at Law, work on a contingency fee basis. This means you don’t pay any upfront costs, and we only get paid if we successfully recover compensation on your behalf. If we win your case, our fee is typically a percentage of the settlement or judgment awarded to you.
This arrangement allows you to focus on your recovery without the stress of immediate legal fees. Our priority is to ensure you receive fair representation and the maximum compensation possible for your injuries and losses without any financial barriers standing in your way.
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim?
The time it takes to settle a car accident claim in Fresno can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the case. Some straightforward claims may settle within a few months, especially if liability is clear and injuries are well-documented. However, cases involving severe injuries, disputed fault, or multiple parties may take longer, sometimes over a year or more.
A Fresno car accident lawyer can provide a clearer estimate once we understand the specifics of your case. We’ll work diligently to avoid unnecessary delays while building a solid claim that fully addresses your needs so you get fair compensation as soon as possible.
How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?
The value of a car accident claim depends on several factors, including the severity of your injuries, the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, property damage, and the impact of the accident on your quality of life. Every case is unique, but in general, victims may recover compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, and more.
A skilled Fresno car accident lawyer can evaluate your case to provide a realistic estimate of its value. We’ll work with you to document all damages, consult with medical and economic experts if necessary, and fight for the full compensation you’re entitled to for your injuries and losses.